The Blog

If you are looking for inspiration and tips & tricks on new ways of leading and being in a changing world, you have come to the right place! 

Ex-Microsoft leader, multi-passionate, non-linear Executive & Business Coach for corporate leaders.

Hi ! I am Christina,


Leaders of the future

I love my Portfolio life and career. It brings me not only to many interesting places, but gives me the freedom to choose work and clients that resonate with my passions. It allows me to apply my strategic thinking not only in my career but also in my personal life. I curate my life often, […]

NewWork, Portfolio Career, Tools

July 10, 2024

From the Boardroom to Bali: How My Portfolio Career Let Me Travel Luxuriously and Invest Smarter

Get Unstuck

I am not sure who else needs to hear this but the pandemic is slowly but surely taking over our mind and is hijacking our energy. 2020 was all about adjusting to a sudden drastic shift in our daily life of a world as we have known it only so far. It may sound strange, […]

Is pessimism starting to distort your vision for the future? Do you feel stuck?

pessimistic outlook

February 17, 2021

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY! – to all the inspiring, strong, fabulous women who continuously challenge the status quo and never give up.And also to those who are currently struggling and do not have the strength to challenge bias and inequality but give an example through their pure existence, their nourishing and care taking. Please trust […]

Female Leadership, Leadership

March 8, 2021



Working with plenty of diverse stakeholders and colleagues can be super enriching, fun and great learning from each other – but it isn’t always easy , especially when working remotely.
Here is what I learned along my 20 years corporate career with around 8 years working globally and remotely

7 tricks to deal with daily stakeholder alignment in a corporate environment

corporate stakeholder alignment

May 2, 2020

Journaling your goals every day to manifest your desires


February 26, 2020

Journaling your goals in a different way than you think


Last week I joined 2800 corporate leaders, employees from world organizations, SMB CEOs, entrepreneurs and other participants from 46 countries for a 3 day workshop by Dr. Joe Dispenza in Bogota, Colombia – a fascinating eyeopening seminar on neuroscientific lead change in ourselves, organizations, businesses and society as a whole. This training was about the […]

Dr. Joe Dispenza workshop in Bogota

February 7, 2020

Authenticity is the uncomfortable truth to confront yourself with what actually does not belong to you but also what is not perfect about you.⠀ We try to fit in, we make excuses, we avoid, we bottle up feelings and red flags, we pretend and we fake it. This is not always happening consciously and so […]


January 8, 2020

Authentic leadership in a changing world