The Blog

If you are looking for inspiration and tips & tricks on new ways of leading and being in a changing world, you have come to the right place! 

Ex-Microsoft leader, multi-passionate, non-linear Executive & Business Coach for corporate leaders.

Hi ! I am Christina,


Leaders of the future

I am not sure who else needs to hear this but the pandemic is slowly but surely taking over our mind and is hijacking our energy. 2020 was all about adjusting to a sudden drastic shift in our daily life of a world as we have known it only so far. It may sound strange, […]

Get Unstuck

February 17, 2021

Is pessimism starting to distort your vision for the future? Do you feel stuck?

pessimistic outlook


Journaling your goals every day to manifest your desires

Journaling your goals in a different way than you think

February 26, 2020